Spiraling Into the Center Outline

I wrote this book as a guide for those who wish to make the journey.While I did not plan to write a book again so soon, my higher Self had other plans. The writing is again part of my own journey and this process for me has been learning more about aligning with my soul plan and understanding the consequences of choosing not to do so. When I felt the calling to begin writing, I did not begin the book because I was too busy with other things and I was resisting since I felt that I did not yet know enough to write of these things. A knee injury a month later was a clear sign that I needed to sit and write. This injury was particularly significant since it was my female dog, Tigger, who bumped me on the left side (feminine) resulting in a twisted right knee (masculine). Apparently my inner male was not listening to the call of the inner female to settle down and begin the creative process. So I began to write and my knee began to heal.

I then became busy again and, after a two week period of no writing, my other dog, Pooh Bear, hit the same knee from the right side, re-injuring it. Back on crutches again, I began to write in earnest this time, religiously sticking to a daily schedule. But then Christmas came and I decided to take a week off from writing to get the usual holiday things done. I was close to finishing the book and I felt that I deserved a break. This time my knee re-injured itself as I was getting up off the floor from doing Yoga stretches.When I meditated and asked for the part of myself that was so intent on getting this book done now, my higher Self appeared.I asked whether I had any choice in the matter.She said that I always had choices, but there are consequences for making choices that are not aligned with my soul path. At that point I decided to continue writing until I finished the book.

With each day that passes I learn more and so, in some ways, what I am writing may need a revised version by the time it goes into print.Yet one must understand the basics before more complex versions of reality can make sense.One must understand addition before doing algebra, and algebra before calculus.

So this book contains the basics. One lesson builds upon another, each exercise mastered provides the foundation for the next. You might find the need to read the book through once and then go back to read it again, practicing with each exercise to develop your awareness. Your experience is likely to be different from anyone else’s, for when you become your own teacher the lesson plan is customized. We are all exploring the Universe from the inside out. We each will find a piece to the puzzle as well as the whole, for in each of us is the seed of all creation.

Read, feel, discuss with others, practice, and evolve.The energy that each of us creates by becoming just a little lighter, more loving, joyous, and peaceful helps us all to evolve a little easier. Soon others will simply become aware because we have learned to be aware. Together we will create a beautiful new world of love and peace.

Workbook Contents

Chapter 1

Spiraling into the Center……………………………………………..


Chapter 2 

Waking Up Your Spirit………………………………………………..


Chapter 3

Emotions as Teachers……………………………………………….


Chapter 4

Beliefs – The Blueprints for Reality…………………………………


Chapter 5

Shape Shifting………………………………………………………… 


Chapter 6

The Journey Within…………………………………………………..


Chapter 7

Soul Retrieval………………………………………………………….


Chapter 8

The Healing Path…………………………………………………….. 


Chapter 9 

Becoming a Conscious Creator…………………………………….


Chapter 10

Doorway to the Universe…………………………………………….