Here we are in the doorway of the two eclipses! The lunar eclipse was on the 15th and the solar eclipse will be on the 29th. With the grand cross astrological alignments sitting on this doorway, the swirling energy is much greater than we usually experience with a pair of eclipses. While we all have free choice, resisting the currents of change in our lives at this time is not a wise decision. All of this energy is attempting to move us toward a positive future and greater growth and awareness. Resistance is just holding on to what no longer works and what no longer feeds you on any level. So, as Karen Drucker’s song goes, “Let go of the shore and let the water carry you – flow into the mystery!” As we pass through the eye of these eclipses release anything that is not serving you and open to the possibility of things unfolding in ways that you can not yet even imagine.