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The Path of Transformation New Moon Newsletter 7/26/14

This New Moon calls us to be optimistic as we ride the energy waves that may shake the foundation upon which we have built our most cherished beliefs. As the ground of old patterns crumbles beneath our feet we can watch the new world emerge as we step into our lives in a different way. Look for those things you can be optimistic about and keep them in front of you as we move through this moon.

Riding energy
Rather than getting sucked in
Cultivate wonder!

Rigidity and Fluidity
You know how they build buildings to be earthquake proof by putting flexible material in the joints so they can sway without breaking? We need those flexible places within ourselves so that we don’t crumble and break apart when the earthquakes in our lives shake us to the core. We are living in a time of extremes that brings all our stuck places to the surface to be shaken loose. And even though we say we welcome change, when it arrives at our door the shaking begins.

Being fluid is like shifting into a surrender mode rather than resisting and fighting with what is. Flowing with whatever is moving through your life is often as difficult as watching your prized possessions being swept downstream by a flood or swirled up in a tornado. Yet your true essence self will never be touched by the earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes. When you can rest in that knowing, fluidity becomes easier and you will find it easier to let go of the ways in which you have falsely defined yourself.

This is a time of stripping away all that has obscured who we really are. It is a time of re-membering what is real. The stories that have shaped our old “reality” are being blown and washed away until something beautiful begins to emerge. It has always been there but covered with these old tales of lack and fear. What is true never brings fear and disconnection. Instead the truth is made of love and trust.

So find an anchor in what is true for that can never be lost. No wind is strong enough or water is fast enough to damage what is true. Allow yourself to become fluid and flexible while the winds blow and the floods wash through your being. What remains is your beautiful essence self.

Surrender it all
False stories all swept away
Pure essence remains

Excerpt from Empowering the Feminine Heart

“This brings us to a greater understanding of the feminine path to enlightenment. The feminine path can never be found in isolation, as it exists only within a web of connection. While the masculine path to enlightenment might be pursued within the isolation of the self, the feminine path is more of a dance with all creation. Through this connection and the mirrors of other people and nature, the process of connection itself deepens to the level of oneness. When we live from this level of connection the flow of the universe dances through you into the world. While the masculine path to enlightenment also leads to the realization of oneness, it is the feminine path that is needed in our world as part of our everyday living. Its pursuit will change everything.”

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